Saturday, October 11, 2008

Donnie Darko

Dear Roberta Sparrow, I have reached the end of your book and... there are so many things that I need to ask you.

Sometimes I'm afraid of what you might tell me.

Sometimes I'm afraid that you'll tell me that this is not a work of fiction.

I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep.

I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.

Donnie: Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?

Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


Mohammad said...

One of the weirdest movies I have ever seen!

Nadin said...

I loved it

so deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

wierd leeh tayyeb ?

Mohammad said...

leh? everything about it was weird! almost every single emotion or idea! the love story was weird, the rabbit was weird, the book was weird, even the setting was weird (that quiet town!). don't you agree?

Nadin said...

yeah bas being wierd served the purpose of the film belnesbaaly

its talking about destiny

would u trade ur reality for the garden on the other side ?

donnie shaaf mosta2bl 3elto given he'll live

and in the end he chose to die 3shnan zay ma 2al fel letter elly ana 3mlalha quote

I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward t

Mohammad said...

btw, weird for me don't have a bad connotation!

Did you watch eternal sunshine of the spotless mind? it was also weird, but in a different way, and it was my favorite movie.

I miss watching movies!

@7usfahmy said...

loooool :D i like ur style